Readings on Housing Housing, Common Sense, and Urban Policy in India by Gautam Bhan / Annotated by Dr. Gautam Bhan

Welcome to this reading. This is a reading on how to frame an approach housing policy. It is not a piece on what the policy should be. Instead, it asks a question for all policy analysis: how do we decide what the problem is that we are trying to solve? Housing is the example of a policy being used.

The annotations are guides to reading. This means they do not debate the content of the text from a subject expertise perspective (i.e. about housing). Instead, they suggest ways of reading to you so you can follow the author's argument, see how it is made, and see how to think further from it and use it in your own work, whether it is in housing or in any other sphere. At the end, they should help you in reading this kind of text (a textual, discursive form of writing), as well as give you ideas on how to think about policy analysis within and beyond housing.

Happy Reading!

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