Readings on Housing

Learn how to read different forms of writing in the field of Housing.

This forum will explore the various kinds of writing produced by scholars, practitioners, policymakers and others, who work in the field of Housing. We will study a variety of pieces: academic, grey literature, policy documents, historical text, and ethnographic narratives, among others. The goal of the forum is to equip readers with the ability and the intuition to read literature on housing, to understand its structure and flow, to analyse how arguments are produced and defended, and to respond to its claims. Learners will be able to describe various texts in terms of the scope and ambition, tonality and positioning, associations with history and culture, and be able to frame arguments from these texts for their own work and study.

Each of the 'topics' of the forum are individual readings, that have been annotated by expert and experienced scholars and practitioners in the field. Once you open the associated pdf of the reading, the annotations toolbar should show up on the right (if it doesn't, turn it on using your browser's extensions or bookmarks.) Annotations by the experts will be available under the Public group on or under the groups we will make for specific cohorts and contributors.

Topics (5)

Suggestions for Future Readings

By Global Admin, June 03, 2024



June 09, 2024